Honey and the Valley of Horses is the magical tale of a family trapped in paradise. Honey, her parents, NanNan and baby brother Rumi, escaped the city when “illness swept the world.” Packed into the family’s ice cream van were all the possessions they needed to live in the countryside until they thought it safe to return to civilization.

When they discover a hidden valley inhabited by wild horses, they were unaware that the path that leads back to the city disappeared behind them. They were trapped in an idyllic place but always dream of going back to their family and friends.

Befriended by the horses and guided by the animals’ uncanny knowledge of their surroundings, the family settled into a routine. As the seasons passed and they worked the land, they thought about what they’d left behind. Honey and Rumi were little when they arrived but seven years have passed and now they are all faced with a desperate situation. Honey’s dad is seriously ill and she must find a way out of the valley to find a doctor.

Wendy Orr has created a fragile magical paradise. A welcome escape from an infected world, but it comes at a price. It is a study of how the perfect can sometimes hide flaws. It tells of how families can learn to adapt as each character brings to life an insight into how people cope with adversity.

The themes of resilience, adaptability, family, bravery and pure belief are all explored here. Young Middle Grade readers will love the descriptions of how the family lives and the beautiful relationship Honey has with her horse. Each character brings to life an insight into how people cope with adversity.


 For Ages: 9 - 13 years

Number of Pages: 224

Published: August 2023

Themes: Resilience, family and belonging.

Purchase here: https://www.allenandunwin.com/browse/book/Wendy-Orr-Honey-and-the-Valley-of-Horses-9781761068492/



Georgina Gye